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Private Mitch gets his grunt buddy Private Michael Thomas Scott to practice with him for their erection inspection. When Private Norman Corvette reports tomander Gus Avery's office, Gus gives him a surprise erection inspection, leading to Gus fucking Norman over themander's desk.

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In Blade Thomp's Erection Inspection, hot guys in the military inspect each other's equipment to make sure it's all working properly. Genres: Latinos, Anal/Oral Sex, Athletes, Big Dicks, Cumshots Being on the road is lonely, but with the help of some anonymous friends on the other side of the whole it doesn't have to be.ĭOWNLOAD FROM FILESMONSTER: A Trucker's Glory HoleĬast: Gus Avery, Mitch Lowe, Michael Thomas Scott, Sven, Norman Corvette, Eddie Gomez, Ricki Torres These sexy truck drivers have stopped off at a local glory hole to get some action.

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Genres: Fetish, Bareback, Anal, Gloryhole

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